The Womb
The Paqarina is a qhychwa word related to the concept of manifestation of origin, territory of initiation or place of birth. According to the Dictionary of the Academia Mayor de la Lengua Quechua, the word Paqaric means: that appears, originates, creates or is born from something or someone, word that can also be translated to english, as the Womb.
In the myths of the origins of many cultures of the past, the memories of their “origins” are kept. In the Andes Culture, some myths associated with the origin of this culture are preserved, which is summarized in the combination of the forces of "Man" and the forces of "Woman" working together, which is clearly reflected in the myth of "Manco Kapac" and "Mama Ocllo" coming out of Lake Titicaca.
This word “paqarina” is also linked to a place or a geographical feature, an animal or some element of the "natural" world, where the origin of the primitive ethnic groups took place. On the other hand, it is also the place where the ancient people or "Runas" return when they die, so the notion of "paqarina" is associated on the one hand to the origin of the primordial ancestors and on the other hand to their resting place.
Since we are conceived and born in this "MamaPacha", we carry within us a feeling that links us to the origin from where everything comes from, we are born linked to our "Mother Earth" or "MamaPacha" and to the "TaytaInti".
These links connected directly to the origin, and allow you to progressively communicate in a native way with the "natural" forces that "live" inside of us, which allow us to have access to all the information, memories, knowledge and wisdom necessary to develop ourselves, which was always proper to the feelings and ways of life of the “Runas” and the native populations.
The vast majority of foreigners or modern humans, have never known this, they have no reference of what I am talking about, with exceptions associated with those who have ancient roots, since their history is very young or small, as they were born like a graft, product of a separation, a break, a genesis or a genocide, unlike the descendants of ancient cultures, that we have always been here.