WatuqRimanka - Isla de la Luna - Coati - es


If you ask the people around you, the professors, the architects, the engineers, the doctors, the religious, the bankers, the mayors, the ministers and even the "president" himself, about what is "The Chakana" or the "Square Cross"? the great majority will not be able to answer you, because the great majority does not know it, the inquisition, religion, history and foreign education, as well as the policies of eradication of cultures in force until today and their traditions (T-radiation), have been in charge of it. The closest thing to this word that is commonly known in the city of Lima, is the "geometric" symbol related to the political party called "Perú Posible", which encloses the letter "T" inside. How sad!

However, there are people who still remember what "life" was like before the "foreign invasion", before the "erasure" or "formatting" of people's consciousness and memory. Few are those who have preserved and few are those who remember in these times. In good time, there are still runas, communities, native and indigenous peoples and cultures that still preserve the connection with "MamaPacha" and with the beings that coexist in it. There are still native cultures with their curacas, bancos, muraya bancos, murayas and sumirunas, there are still runas and their runawarmis, their Paco's and Yatiris, Layas, Hampikamayucs, Hamawatas and Altomisayuc, there are still the Mallkis, the Wak'as and the Apus through which, we can begin to remember the path on how to return to the paqarinas.

As we will see, the "geometric" structures represented in the tocapus, in the weavings, in the ceramics and in the architecture of the "Ancient Cultures" represent the projections of the movements of the "Pachakamaykunas" forces in their descent from distant dimensions of the "Cosmos" towards the "Earth" or in their ascent from the "Earth" towards the "Cosmos". In this journey, they create and form different terraces or steps through which their "light" and "shadow" flow, as well as their "awa" or their "fabric", where they sow, make grow, develop and maintain all the forms with "life" under their mantles.

These forces are distributed in many ways, distributed in different proportions for each "geographic" place where they travel and flow, so we have that each valley, community or "geographic" area manifests the forces of its place of origin, commonly represented in its "geography", with its own different proportions of "light" and "shade", which determines the growth and development of the vegetation and the animals that inhabit it, manifests in the characteristic colors of the skin of its inhabitants, in the colors and "geometric" patterns of their clothing, in the form of the architecture, as well as in the variations in the intonations and in the meaning of their words, which form the various forms of communication "Qhychwa" and "Aimara", among many others. All these invaluable pieces, are part of the "identity" of oneself, of the peoples, which define the "Culture" to which they belong.

In the "kullasuyu" or southern region of the country, the word "Pusi" or "Tawa" is generally used to refer to the number four (4), but when we are in the "kuntisuyu" or the north central area of the "Andes", the word "Chuska" is used, This shows us that the word can be written, vocalized and intoned in different ways, according to the region in which we are, characteristics of the people, whose "cosmovision" is associated to the "geography" from where they observe and feel.

Similarly, numbers are a form of expression of the movement of the "Pachakamaykunas" forces, which represent the projections of the "geometry" that generates them, so understanding or observing them disconnected from their origin or "geometry" or original dimensionality, could lead us to an "endless" of possible interpretations, as it happens today, where thought and science is fractioned, that is, split, separated and divided. In good time, our ancients left traces of a "living Culture", where their proportions, measures and numerical sequences are compressed and synthesized in the "geometric" structure of the "Chakana", a set of "simple square crosses" and "double crosses" that function as an instrument of calculation and multidimensional measurement of the "phenomena" that we observe around us.

The word: "Chakana" refers to a bridge or stairway that connects the "Heaven" with the "Earth", which can also be seen in the word "Chakaruna", which refers to man, as a connecting bridge between both worlds. Over time it has also received similar names such as "Chinkana", "Chikama" whether the stairs go up or outward or down or inward. I knew an elder named "Qenko" who calls it as "Toqe" and as we will see, it also receives the name "Tawa'Chunka", which on the one hand refers to the number 40 and on the other hand, refers to the circumference of 4√10 or 12.6488 cm, which we will see later.

It also receives the name of "TawaChakana", a word that refers to the "four stairs" or the "four sides" of the "square" or "TawaTinkuy", which refers to "four forces" that join or meet. In summary, the word: "Chakana" and all of its complementary words, refer to the "symbol" or "geometric structure" that allows us to observe and measure the movement of the "Pachakamaykunas" forces, forces of "nature" or the "Creator" forces, among which we have mainly the force of the "TaytaInti" or "the Sun" and the force of "MamaQuilla" or the "Moon".

To know the "Chakana" is to know the movement, is to know the threads of creation, is to know time, is to know about the seasons and the changes of temperatures, is to know the code of the "muhu" or "seed" and your own "seed", and how it germinates, grows and develops "naturally". To know about the "Chakana", is to know about "nature" and the elements, their properties and "natures", in short, is to know about "life" and its movements.

The "Chakana" has always been the map or road map of this "Culture" and of many other “Ancient Cultures”, map that shows us the way we must follow and "walk" in this "world" and in this "life". This map is manifested around the "TaytaInti", it is reflected on the mountain slopes when the "energy" descends from the "heavens", it is manifested on the "Earth" through the movement of the "light" and the "shadow" and it is also found in our interior, in other words, it has always been in front of our eyes and within ourselves, only that we were "enlightened", that is, we were blinded, deceived and forced to look the other way, or to turn our other cheek, leaving aside what we feel and are inside.

This culture is very "old", it is much "older" than what the civilization of "humans" assures, assumes or believes, that is why, in spite of the imposed foreign "barbarism", it is still "alive". This is why I consider it important to share what I have been able to remember about ancient knowledge, in order to avoid the next "genocide", "cutting", "sterilization", "transgeneration", "overturning", "whitewashing", "whitening" or collective oblivion by the hand of the “Coronavirus” and the next viruses associated with the “56”, the “5 and 6G” and the imposition of the “New World Order” or “NWO”, of the “N30”, “3NO” or “NO3”, do not extinguish forever the knowledge of "nature", of the "ancients" and of "MamaPacha".