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It is said that the cultures of the "Tawantinsuyu" integrated the knowledge of the "Spirit", the "Cosmos", the "Earth", "Nature" and the "Runas" (indigenous peoples) in their daily "living", developing in this way a "culture" or "way of life" that has "transcended" space and time. This culture -- from its beginnings or its own "muhu or ruru" (origin or seed) -- always remained connected with those elemental and spiritual forces. They knew how to bring the Heavens down to Earth and how to lift the Earth up to Heavens, among many other secrets.

All this is true, and there is still much more. But what does it mean to "Bring Heaven down to Earth"? To try to answer a little bit of the above, we must take into account that in other times there were "cultures" that developed concepts and "ways of life" that would be unthinkable and unimaginable today for science and the current way of "life", since the ancients lived in a "space and time" where separation and division did not exist. Therefore, if we want to understand the foregoing, we must travel to the past, leave the supposed "safety" of what we think we know, and open ourselves to see and feel, recover the consciousness of time that lives inside our body and in the memories of "MamaPacha" (Mother Earth), to be closer to those "runas, warmis, runawarmis and mallkis" (men, women, ancients, predecessors) who, accompanied by the consciousness of the forces of the Wak'as, Apus and the "Pachakamaykunas" forces, gave shape to this movement or set of feelings called "Culture".

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